Emmanuel United Methodist Church
Build Relationships, Meet Needs, Proclaim the Gospel, Develop Faith.
Wednesday Breakfast - 7 AM @ Yankee Doodle Diner
Meeting the Fourth Monday of each month.
United Methodist Missions
Emmanuel Youth "The Basement"
Join us Sunday nights 5:00 - 6:30 pm
EEUMC Youth Ministry: The youth ministry at Emmanuel exists
to guide 6th-12th-grade students through their adolescent years
as they grow and mature. Seeking to reflect Christ’s character in
the way we engage with and respond to the world around us,
we help students navigate the daily joys and struggles that come with being a teen in a way that is pleasing and honoring to Jesus. EEUMC Youth encourages students in their walk with Christ through Biblical teaching, open and honest discussions, and fellowship with their peers and leaders. Recognizing that being a teen in today’s world is much harder than it used to be, EEUMC Youth looks to serve students and meet the specific needs that they have. Whether we’re studying, hanging out, or on-location, EEUMC Youth fosters a positive atmosphere in which anyone is welcome at any time!
*Questions/Comments: eeumcyouth@gmail.com
“Like” us on Facebook! Search: Emmanuel Youth Ministry
Instagram: eeumcyouth
Elizabeth Berkheimer 717- 649-8702
Youth Events
August 25th: Newish” Night 1: Series kickoff.
*Newish is about following Jesus and experiencing change.
September 1st: “Newish” Night 2
Enola Emmanuel United Methodist Church © Copyright. All Rights Reserved.