Heavenly Father:  How good it is to know that by praying and asking You to grant us peace and help in this troubled world we can find rest. Please go with those areas that suffer from crimes and disturbances.  This world desperately needs guidance So many young people are causing problems and Your help is needed. Guide the parents and give them much needed support to lead the young to do the right things. Bless those that serve in churches and Sunday Schools, may they teach the young about Your love and guidance. Take care of the law enforcement, protect them from danger. Bless the doctors and nurses as they take care of the sick. Thank you for the weather we deal with in our area. Help those facing losses due to storms.  We ask these blessings in the name of Jesus.  Amen

God is Calling

God calls each and every one of us to something. Not just preachers are called. Not just missionaries are called. We are all called. God calls us to serve our communities, to pursue careers that help others, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Some of us hear a very specific call and some of us live into the call of being like Jesus each and every day. Over the next 6 weeks, we will explore various call stories and listen for how God is speaking to us through these stories.

July 28th - God is Calling: Jeremiah

Scripture: Jeremiah 20:7-9

August 4th     God is Calling: Rahab

Scripture: Joshua 2:1-24

Your life experiences and choices do not keep you from being called by God. We often dismiss people who carry a negative label given by the world, and yet, God is not bound by our labels. God is able to use anyone for kingdom purposes. Are you willing to be used by God, regardless of your past choices and mistakes?

August 11th    God is Calling: Jonah

Scripture: Jonah 1:1-17The story of Jonah feels so relatable. Jonah did not want to do what God called him to do. He didn’t want to go to Nineveh so much that he ran in the opposite direction. Eventually, Jonah

​​​Fall is coming . . . . .

​June 2nd @ 9:30am

Emmanuel United Methodist Church

Devotional links.