​​​Fall is coming . . . . .

Discipleship: Following in the way of Jesus

This 6 week series will invite us to explore what it means to be a disciple, how to be a disciple and why it matters.


October 6th- World Communion Sunday

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47

Sermon: Community- A Disciple Lives in Community with Other Believers

Disciples do not live life in isolation. We were created to be in community with other believers. It is in community where we truly learn what it means to be like Jesus. The community of faith helps to hold us accountable to living like Jesus. How important is your community of faith to your everyday life? How can you be more involved in your faith community?


October 13th- Worship in the park 9:30 a.m.

Scripture: Luke 10:1-11

Sermon: Go- A Disciple Puts their Faith into Action

Disciples are sent out into the world to make more disciples. Others can’t come to know Jesus if someone doesn’t go and tell them. Who in your life needs hope and healing? Who can you share your hope with today?Type your paragraph here.

Devotional links.

​June 2nd @ 9:30am


October 6th: Children’s Ministry 4:30pm

October 6th: “Newish” Night 4 6-8pm

October 9th: Genesis Bible Study 10am

October 10th: The Breakfast Club – Wertzville Diner 8am

October 13th:  Outdoor Worship 9:30am at Adams Ricci Park near Bocce Ball

October 13th: New Series!!“The Hills” Night 1October 12th-13th: Pumpkin Fest 9:30-5pm. Volunteers 

Emmanuel United Methodist Church